A successful business needs a good idea and a good idea needs great planning and execution! Starting up a business can be a daunting task if you don’t have guidance along the way. The best way to have the needed guidance is through mentorship but again, it is not a piece of cake to find a perfect mentor! While the ‘Nots’ is something to ponder upon, there are incredible resources available online accessible anytime and from a business point of view, free too! Once such resource is talks from inspirational speakers who have tons of advice for new entrepreneurs. In the business start-ups section of this blog, I will be assembling a pool of such resources to help entrepreneurs like me create a successful foundation on which to execute our business ideas. Here is one such resource, which I think is incredibly useful. It is a speech by Guy Kawasaki.
Without spoiling the fun, (Being an entrepreneur is fun!! Right?) and writing about what Guy says in the video, go ahead and watch it! I hope it will inspire and equip you with better understanding of starting up to move ahead in your business endeavours.
What do you think? Let’s get the discussion up and running in the comments below? Success is never far if we chose the right path!